Blaise Pascal (1623-1662)

Think that you may own a portrait of Blaise Pascal? We authenticate, appraise, research and issue certificates of authenticity (COA) and provide consultations for all portraits of Blaise Pascal.

There is one authentic portrait of Blaise Pascal in existence. The French scientist was best known for his work on pressure and vacuum and the study of fluids. He was born in France in 1623 and died in 1662.

Portrait #1, Phillip de Champaigne, Date Unknown
Portrait #1, Phillip de Champaigne, Date Unknown

Portrait #1 was painted by Phillipe de Champaigne. The date on this portrait is unknown. De Champaigne (1602-1674) was a Flemish-born French artist from the Baroque Era.

It is not likely that there are additional authentic portraits of Pascal in existencem, though the possibility always exists. Pascal was sickly throughout his life and died at the young age of thirty-nine. Still wondering about a portrait in your family collection? Contact us... it could be a portrait of Blaise Pascal.


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