Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480)

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For all your Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) artworks you need a Certificate of Authenticity (COA) in order to sell, to insure or to donate for a tax deduction.

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We have been authenticating Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) and issuing certificates of authenticity since 2002. We are recognized Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) experts and Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) certified appraisers. We issue COAs and appraisals for all Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) artworks.

Our Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) paintings and drawings authentications are accepted and respected worldwide.

Each COA is backed by in-depth research and analysis authentication reports.

The Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) certificates of authenticity we issue are based on solid, reliable and fully referenced art investigations, authentication research, analytical work and forensic studies.

We are available to examine your Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) painting or drawing anywhere in the world.

You will generally receive your certificates of authenticity and authentication report within two weeks. Some complicated cases with difficult to research Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) paintings or drawings take longer.

Our clients include Antonio Vivarini (1440-1480) collectors, investors, tax authorities, insurance adjusters, appraisers, valuers, auctioneers, Federal agencies and many law firms.

We perform Antonio Vivarini art authentication, appraisal, certificates of authenticity (COA), analysis, research, scientific tests, full art authentications. We will help you sell your Antonio Vivarini or we will sell it for you.


Saint Louise de Toulouse

Antonio Vivarini, (also Antonio of Murano) was a Venetian painter of the early Renaissance. He is probably the earliest of a family of painters including sibling his younger brother Bartolomeo and Antonio’s son Alvise Vivarini.


The Martyr Before the Sultan

He initially trained with Andrea da Murano, and his works show the influence of Gentile da Fabriano. The earliest known date of a picture of his, an altar-piece in the Accademia is 1440; the latest, in the Lateran museum, 1464, but he appears to have been alive in 1470.He worked in company his brother in law, Giovanni d’Alemagna (also known as “Joannes de Alemania”, who has also been regarded as a brother (Giovanni of Murano), but no trace of this painter exists of a date later than 1447. After 1447 Antonio painted either alone or in combination with his younger brother Bartolommeo. The works of Antonio are well drawn for their epoch, with a certain noticeable degree of softness, and with good flesh and other tints. He was likely influenced by Mantegna. It is sometimes difficult to assign authorship for works from the Vivarini studio.


The Garden of Love

Three of his principal paintings are the Virgin Enthroned with the Four Doctors of the Church, the Coronation of the Virgin and Sts Peter and Jerome. The first two (in which Giovanni co-operated) are in the Venetian academy, the third in the National Gallery, London.


Madonna and Child, Triptych 1447


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