Rimantas Šulskis (1943–1995)

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1. Dreamers. Copper sculptures.

1. Dreamers. Copper sculptures.

2. Fauna. Copper sculpture.

2. Fauna. Copper sculpture.

Rimantas Šulskis was a Lithuanian artist born in Kaunas. Šulskis served in the Soviet army and worked various jobs in Kaunas before beginning his fine arts training. Šulskis studied at the State Art Institute from 1968 to 1974. After graduating, Šulskis began teaching sculpture.

3. Bird Man. Copper sculpture.

3. Bird Man. Copper sculpture.

Šulskis was known for his innovative copper sculptures, monotypes and drawings. He often worked with imagery related to mythological or Christian symbols.

4. Copper Kingdom (part of series I-X). Copper sculpture series.

4. Copper Kingdom (part of series I-X). Copper sculpture series.

While Šulskis’s work was not well received by the Soviets, he achieved great success later in his life. During the last years of his life he created “Copper Kingdom” I-X, one of his most ambitious and admired projects.

5. Copper Kingdom (part of series I-X). Copper sculpture series.

5. Copper Kingdom (part of series I-X). Copper sculpture series.

If you think you may own original artwork by Rimantas Šulskis, contact Art Certification Experts for information regarding our services.


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